This page contains the Contrib Package documentation.
Universal feed parser
Handles RSS 0.9x, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, CDF, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0 feeds
Visit for the latest version Visit for the latest documentation
Required: Python 2.1 or later Recommended: Python 2.3 or later Recommended: CJKCodecs and iconv_codec <>
Bases: dict
This file is part of web2py Web Framework (Copyrighted, 2007-2009). Developed by Massimo Di Pierro <> and Robin B <>. License: GPL v2
Bases: gluon.contrib.memdb.SQLStorage
an instance of this class represents a database connection
Bases: gluon.contrib.memdb.SQLXorable
an instance of this class represents a database field
to be used as argument of GQLDB.define_table
allowed field types: string, boolean, integer, double, text, blob, date, time, datetime, upload, password
strings must have a length or 32 by default. fields should have a default or they will be required in SQLFORMs the requires argument are used to validate the field input in SQLFORMs
PyRSS2Gen - A Python library for generating RSS 2.0 feeds.