Some of the information here may be outdated, please check the book instead

The built-in ticketing mechanism is a last resort error. You should catch exceptions in your own app. Anyway, the following decorator may be helpful:

def onerror(function):
  def __onerror__(*a,**b):
        return function(*a,**b)
    except HTTP, e:
        import os
        status=int(e.status.split(' ')[0])
        if os.access(filename,os.R_OK):
        raise e
    except Exception:
        import os, gluon.restricted
        if os.access(filename,os.R_OK):
            body="""<html><body><h1>Internal error</h1>Ticket issued: 
            <a href="/admin/default/ticket/%(ticket)s" target="_blank">%(ticket)s</a></body></html>"""
        body=body % dict(ticket=ticket)
        raise HTTP(200,body=body)
  return __onerror__

There is how you use:

Put the function above in a place where it is accessible (a model file for example)

Consider any function in a model a controller or a view that you where you want to use custom error pages and do

def index:

now if the index controller function raises an HTTP(400,...) it will be rendered by views/onerror400.html if the index controller function raises any other exception, it will be rendered by views/onerror.html

Notice that onerrorXXX.html and onerror.html must be static HTML files and are not processed as templates. onerror.HTML can contain "%(ticket)s" in order to refer to the ticket being issued.

Here is an example of an error400.html page

 <html><body><h1>Internal Error</h1></body></html>

Here is an example of an error.html page

 <html><body><h1>Hey dude, here is your ticket: %(ticket)s</h1></body></html>
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