Want to be able to send emails with both plain text and html bodies and even include attachments? Refer to https://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/wiki/default/page/98b7448f-059a-47f7-82da-dce4728aa4dd
Using the MultiPart_Mail class documented in the wiki, you can send emails from your controller like this
context=dict(name='John Smith', items=['apples','oranges','bananas'], total = 12.75)
#use views to help create message bodies
message_text = response.render('default/email_template.txt',context)
recipients = ['John Smith <John@smith.name>']
subject = "Your Order Has Shipped"
#get contents of the files to attach
attach1 = _prep_attachment('/path/to/logo.jpg')
attach2 = _prep_attachment('/path/to/special_offers.pdf', 'special offers.pdf')
for recipient in recipients:
status = MimeMail.send(to=recipient, subject=subject, message_text=message_text, message_html=message_html,
attachments = [attach1, attach2])