Some of the information here may be outdated, please check the book instead
def custsql():
# how to execute a custom sql statement
# Given a database model called mod2, containing a table called tbusers
# and the fields userid, firstn, lastn, here's how to select a record
# where the lastn == 'Chan'
# By Sterling Hankins 05/24/2008
# the value returned is
# [(u'JCHAN', u'Jackie', u'Chan')]
r=mod2.executesql('select userid, firstn, lastn from tbusers where lastn="Chan";')
return r
def custsql2():
# Another SQL example
# ======== Start of model ==============
# mod2=SQLDB("sqlite://mod2.db")
# mod2.define_table('tbusers',
# SQLField('userid', 'string' , length=10, required=True),
# SQLField('firstn', 'string' , length=10, required=True),
# SQLField('lastn' , 'string' , length=10, required=True))
# mod2.tbusers.userid.requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(),IS_NOT_IN_DB(mod2, 'tbusers.userid')]
# mod2.tbusers.firstn.requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()
# mod2.tbusers.lastn.requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()
# ============= end of model =============
# the value returned is....
# [(1, u'MMYER', u'Mike', u'Myers'), (2, u'JCHAN', u'Jackie', u'Chan')]
r=mod2.executesql('select * from tbusers;')
return r