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A major limitation of the Google App Engine (GAE) it is the inability to perform queries that use the OR, BELONGS(IN), and LIKE operators. The web2py Database Abstraction Layer provides a system for abstracting database query and it works on relational databases (RDBS) as well as on GAE but, still, it is crippled by the limitations mentioned above. Until now. We have created additional API that allows merging records, filtering and sorting records at the web2py level, after they are extracted from the GAE storage. They can be used to mimic the missing features and will make your GAE code portable to RDBS. ###Current supported RDBS SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, DB2, Informix, Oracle, FireBird, Ingres. ### Current supported NoDB Google App Engine Here are some examples: ## Assumptions ### Connect to DB db=DAL('sqlite://storage') # or DAL('gae') ### Define tables product = db.define_table('product', Field('name'), Field('price','double')) buyer = db.define_table('buyer', Field('name')) purchase = db.define_table('purchase', Field('product',db.product), Field('buyer',db.buyer), Field('quantity','integer'), Field('order_date','date', ### Insert some records icecream = db.product.insert(name='Ice Cream',price=1.50) kenny = db.buyer.insert(name='Kenny') cartman = db.buyer.insert(name='Cartman') db.purchase.insert(product=icecream,buyer=kenny,quantity=1, order_date=datetime.datetime(2009,10,10)) db.purchase.insert(product=icecream,buyer=cartman,quantity=4, order_date=datetime.datetime(2009,10,11)) (the inserts return the inserted records) ### Update records icecream.update_record(price=1.99) or icecream.price=1.99 icecream.update_record() ## Two Table select ### on RDBS only (JOINS) rows = db( for row in rows: print, row.product.price,, row.purchase.quantity ###OUTPUT: Ice Cream 1.99 Kenny 1 Ice Cream 1.99 Cartman 4 ### on RDBS and GAE (no JOINS) rows = db(>0).select() for row in rows: print, row.product.price,, row.quantity ###OUTPUT: Ice Cream 1.99 Kenny 1 Ice Cream 1.99 Cartman 4 ## "OR" ### on RDBS only rows = db((purchase.buyer==kenny)|(purchase.buyer==cartman)).select() ### on RDBS and GAE rows = db(purchase.buyer==kenny).select()|db(purchase.buyer==cartman).select() ## "OR" with "ORDERBY" ### on RDBS only rows = db((purchase.buyer==kenny)|(purchase.buyer==cartman))\ .select(orderby=purchase.quantity) ### on RDBS and GAE rows = (db(purchase.buyer==kenny).select()|db(purchase.buyer==cartman)\ .select()).sort(lambda row:row.quantity) ## "IN"/"BELONGS" ### on RDBS only rows = db(purchase.buyer.belongs((kenny,cartman)))\ .select(orderby=purchase.quantity) ### on RDBS and GAE rows = (db(purchase.buyer==kenny).select()|db(purchase.buyer==cartman).select()) ## "OR" with complex "ORDERBY" ### on RDBS rows = db((purchase.buyer==kenny)|(purchase.buyer==cartman))\ ( ### on RDBS and GAE rows = (db(purchase.buyer==kenny).select()|db(purchase.buyer==cartman)\ .select()).sort(lambda print rows ## "LIKE" ### on RDBS rows = db('C%')).select() print rows ### on RDBS and GAE rows = db(>0).select().find(lambda'C')) ## Date/Datetime manipulations in expression ### on RDBS only rows = db( ### on RDBS and GAE rows = db(>0).select().find(lambda ## Computed virtual fields ### on RDBS and GAE rows = db(>0).select() class ComputatedFields: def revenues(self): return self.purchase.product.price*self.purchase.quantity rows = rows.setvirtualfields(purchase=ComputedFields()) for row in rows: print, row.product.price,, row.quantity, row.revenues
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