Some of the information here may be outdated, please check the book instead

Since version 1.64 web2py runs fully on Java and j2ee using jython.

Here is what you do (assuming java is installed but nothing else)

  • download jython here

  • install jython

    java -jar jython_installer-2.5rc4.jar --console

  • download the sqlite jdbc adaptor here and copy it in the java lib folder.

  • (optional) download the sqlite jdbc adaptor here and copy it in the java lib folder.

  • cd into the web2py folder and run



    /path/to/jython -h

    for help

  • point your browser to

Known problems

On more recent version of Jython users have experienced problems with regular expressions causing the system to lock on rendering some templates.

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The content of this book is released under the Artistic License 2.0 - Modified content cannot be reproduced.